The project took place in Havana and intended to revive Félix Gonzalez-Torres experience of Cuba in a silent exchange. To do this, it was also important to reappraise his work in the country he left, still at a very young age. In the series of works carried out in Cuba, the piece Untitled – Perfect lovers (1991) symbolized a type of compass for the journey.
The clocks of Torres were recreated in Cuba, but this time as sundials, having the light of the sun as a substitute for the electronic batteries, and with the title / instructions: “Para mirar al sur” (face the south). The project raised questions about a specific time and place, and the sundials were placed taking into account the geographical position of Cuba on the map.
The piece only functions in Havana, in any another point of the planet, it shows hours that do not correspond to a real time. The sundials were exhibited in Havana as prints, and copies could be taken home by the viewers. Subsequently, in collaboration with Claudia Calabi, a series of eight photographic images were made showing the sundials situated in the city landscape.
This work has a direct relation to the project Radio Nacional, both developed during the same period.